Bed Bug Identification
What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are insects with a diet that solely consists of blood from people and some animals, including our dogs and cats. Humans are a bed bug’s preferred food source, so they are so common in our beds and homes. Like other pests in the greater Redding, CA area, they like to live close to their food sources.
Bed bugs are oval-shaped insects. They are wingless and cannot jump; their primary mode of transportation is crawling or hitchhiking. Their reddish-brown color and flat body shape make it easy for bed bugs to move into tight cracks and crevices and stay out of our sight.
A single female can lay between 200-250 eggs in its lifetime; the eggs develop into blood-feeding nymphs in only six to ten days. Bed bugs are prolific pests that can take over any California home or business they have found their way into very quickly.
Why do I have a bed bug problem?
Bed bugs are a problem for home and business owners because these blood-feeding pests have adapted to living inside with people. Bed bugs move from place to place without much effort after crawling onto people or our belongings. We do the work for them; we unknowingly and unintentionally bring bed bugs with us into our homes.
Wherever people live or visit in large numbers, there is the potential for bed bugs to be present. Some of the most common places where people and bed bugs come into contact with each other include the following:
- Apartment buildings
- Hotels and motels
- Airports and bus stations
- Movie theaters and libraries
- Laundry mats
- Work, school, dormitories
Where will I find bed bugs?
It can take some time for a homeowner to notice a bed bug infestation in their house. In the beginning stages of an infestation, bed bugs stay very well hidden and only emerge from their hiding spots at night when we are sleeping. As the bed bugs breed and feed, their numbers quickly increase, making it more difficult for their presence to remain hidden.
Some of a bed bug’s favorite hiding spots in our California homes include the following:
- Seams of mattresses and box springs
- In the seams of upholstered furniture and under furniture cushions
- In the cracks of walls and floors
- Behind wooden trim and wall hangings
- Under piles of clutter and dirty laundry
- Electronics and electrical outlets
In addition to seeing bed bugs, other signs of an infestation include noticing a sweet, musty odor in your home, waking up with unexplained bed bug bites, or finding tiny spots of blood or dark streaks of excrement on bedding, pillows, or walls and floors.
How do I get rid of bed bugs?
If bed bugs ever hitchhike their way into your home, the best way to remove them and ensure a re-infestation won’t occur is to partner with a professional. At Redding Spray Service, our extensively trained technicians use only advanced materials and effective bed bug treatments to ensure the complete elimination of bed bugs from California homes and businesses. Delivering affordable solutions for pest-free living is our top priority.
Serving the North State in Shasta and Tehama Counties, we are committed to helping local home and business owners protect their properties from bed bugs and other structural-invading pests. To learn more about our effective and efficient bed bug control services, reach out to Redding Spray Service today and speak with one of our professionals.
How can I prevent bed bugs in the future?
Let’s work together to prevent bed bugs from taking over your home in the future. In combination with our pest control services, the following prevention tips will help you avoid a bed bug infestation.
- Place bed bug-proof covers on mattresses and box springs to take away one of a bed bug’s favorite hideouts.
- Remove clutter from your home where bed bugs can hide.
- Regularly vacuum your home, including mattresses and upholstered furniture.
- Wash bedding regularly.
- Avoid purchasing used furniture, mattresses, and box springs for use in your house.
- When in a public place, avoid placing your belongings on the ground for long periods.
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